Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Today we are in the 19th week together.  19 weeks and 5 days to be exact!  I started to feel you move at 18 weeks and 4 days.  I started to worry because I felt your sister move at eighteen weeks and just couldn't wait to feel you.  Now, everyday, I look forward to feeling your little movements.  Whether it be a stretch, kick, roll...makes no matter.  I love every feeling!  You are alive and well!  Your sister is starting to talk to you more.  She is really excited about being a big sister!  Daddy and I are anxiously awaiting the next appt we have with the MFM dr.  They will be checking how you are growing, all your organs, and hopefully if you are a boy or a girl!  If you are a boy, we do not have to think about names.  You've had a name since before your sister.  If you are a girl, daddy and I have some major thinking and deciding to do!  We have NO  But don't you worry!  We will figure it out!  I love you, little one!  You are our last one.  I've wanted you for a long time.  I'm happy that you are Rachel will have each other to grow up with and lean on in life.  I love spending my days with you!

Now on a personal note.  I am so happy to be pg!  I love everything about it!  I love seeing the baby grow by watching my tummy grow.  I love to feel the baby move.  I love to put on maternity clothes!  I love it!  You know what I don't love?  The sciatic pain!  The sleepless nights because I am in too much pain.  The headaches.  The illnesses.  But you know what?  I'll take it all!  I am growing a miracle right now!  I am thrilled.  I hope after Dec. 6, Donny will also feel more excited and a part of this pg.  He is so detached.  I think he is very worried and none of it seems real, even though my tummy grows.  He doesn't want to be hurt again.  I understand.  I guess it is easier for him to keep his heart distant than it is for me.  I have this baby IN me.  I feel it growing and moving.  I have been in love with this tiny one for a long time now!